Advanced Planning Guide
for the
Grand Priory Convent & Investiture
held at
Priory of Saint Andrew, Nashville, TN
11-14 (Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday) October 2001

Chev. Andrew Patrick O'Rourke, Grand Prior
Chev. Bert Chalfant, Prior

Welcome Adgenda Lodging Investiture Tours Registration Maps

Please help us make your experience a complete success by submitting the as soon as possible but absolutely not to arrive later than 15 September 2001 at the priory treasurer's house.   Make payments to the order of Treasurer, Cumberland Commandery.   Mail the REGISTRATION FORM with your payment to Chev. Jeffrey M. Koch, 3614 General Bates Drive, Nashville, TN 37204.   For questions and hotel reservations call Chev Bert Chalfant at 800-457-4043 or mail him at Prior, Priory of St. Andrew  The registration form is available in Adobe PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat available from Adobe free of charge at

Grand Council and Grand Convent, 11-14 October, 2001

Reservations form for Meeting and Events only.
Please make hotel reservations, Franklin Marriott at Cool Springs @ $85.00 per night, by calling Chalfant Travel Services, 1-800-457-4043.

NAME: _________________________________ Templar/OM Rank: ___________

SPOUSE: _______________________________ Templar/OM Rank: ___________

Address: _______________________________ Priory: _______________________

________________________________________ Office Held: __________________

Telephone: ( ) _____________________ E-mail: _____________________________

Arrival Date: ___________________ Departure Date: ________________________


Thursday, 11
October Prior’s Welcome Dinner – Shadowbrook                           Number (    ) @ $28.00 $ ______
6:00P – 9:30P (Motorcoach transportation included)

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Friday, 12 October

              (Motorcoach transportation included - minimum 40 required all tours)

*** Jack Daniel’s Distillery Tour & Dinner***                            Number (    ) @ $30.00 $ _______
            2:30P – 9:30P (Motorcoach transportation only, no cars!!!)

*** Grand Ole Opry ***  Number ( ) @ $35.00 $ _______
            6:30P – 11:00P

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saturday, 13 October

Motorcoach - Cool Springs Galleria                                                   Number (    ) @ $5.00 $ _________
            10:00A – 12:00N

"Spuds Away" Working Lunch Buffet                                              Number (    ) @ $21.00 $ ________
            11:30A – 12:30P

Grand Prior’s Formal Dinner                                                         Number (     ) @ $50.00 $ ________
            6:00P – 10:00p Belle Meade Country Club
            Motorcoach transportation (all evening)                                 Number (    ) @ $15.00 $ ________

Each Banquet Attendee select either Filet Mignon & Shrimp (    ) or Fresh Grilled Salmon (    ).
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Sunday, 14 October

Brunch - Rattle & Snap Plantation Number                                         Number (    ) @ $28.00 $ ________
            9:00A – 1:00P (Motorcoach transportation included)

REGISTRATION FEE:                                                                    Number (    ) @ $25.00 $ ________
for all attendees, participants and guests.
Covers such items as church and hotel related expenses, printing, and a commemorative gift for each banquet attendee, and other costs.

TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ________

For more information, see:

Please mail this completed form with payment to the
Treasurer, Cumberland Commandery, not later than 15 September, 2001.
Checks should be made payable to SMOTJ.
Mail to: Chev. Jeffrey M. Koch, 3614 General Bates Drive, Nashville, TN 37204.

Produced by Chev. Howard J. Sartori, KCTJ,
20 July 2001