Advanced Planning Guide
for the
Grand Priory Convent & Investiture
held at
Priory of Saint Andrew, Nashville, TN
11-14 (Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday) October 2001

Chev. Andrew Patrick O'Rourke, Grand Prior,
Chev. Bert Chalfant, Prior

Welcome Agenda Lodging Investiture Tours Registration Maps

First Presbyterian Church of Nashville.   
The Church is close to the Cool Springs Marriott.

1. A curved driveway provides the visitor approach to the Church.  Ample parking is available with some parking directly in front of the Church.  The front of the Church during good weather is a great place for the formation.  During inclement weather the assembly hall/fellowship hall below the Church provide ample formation space for all participants.  Both an elevator and stairs access the Church above.
2. The Narthex is located directly a very large assembly/fellowship hall and is easily accessible by both stairs and an elevator.    The entrance from the front parking is to the right.   The two people are standing in the center of the area.  The entrance to the Sanctuary  is through the two doors between the flags on the left.
3. Marshall Chev Massey is standing in the Narthex to the right of the entrance to the Sanctuary through these two wide doors. 
4. View of the very large Church from the double doors.  The Sanctuary seats about 900.  The very large beautiful organ is on the balcony, with additional seating, over the Narthex.
5. A view looking through the wide double doors through the Narthex to the front doors of the Church.  Above is the balconey seating and organ.
6.  Looking accross the front of the Sanctuary area.   The two people give perspective to the size of the area where part of the Investiture and ceremonies will be conducted.  Flags may be located to the left on each side of the steps to the Altar.
7. Looking from the Altar down the wide aisle.  (Very little lighting was available for these photographs.)
8. A view looking across the steps to the Altar shows the space available for conducing part of the ceremonies and the choir pews.
9.  A view of the steps to the Altar and the choir pews.
10. A view of the Altar from the aisle showing the steps and the choir pews on each side.  At the front, on each side of the alter, are two small areas used for storage.
11. At the front, on each side of the Altar are two small areas used for storage.  The candleabras are available for the service.


Produced by Chev. Howard J. Sartori, KTOTJ,
3 April 2001